Activities For Children Workers
We know that parenting should never be done alone, but should be a group effort with everyone having the same godly goals for children.

It is essential that while parents train their children in godly values and lessons at home, that children workers and youth pastors reinforce this with complementary teaching in the church setting.

At The Shepherd's Ministries, our training course is geared towards effectively building up parents, children workers, and children pastors, who specialize in or want to increase their knowledge in training and building up children in line with God's word.
Children & Youth Ministry Training Course

Our full course in children’s ministry will prepare individuals and groups to reach and disciple children with confidence. This course will give your children’s ministry a cutting edge. The course is currently available in four languages: English, French, German, and Kiswahili.

Some of the topics covered include: Leading a child to Christ, Discipleship, Discipline, Child Development, Learning styles (including Active learning, etc), Preparation and presentation of bible lessons and activities to children, The Christian child and missions, Effective children’s clubs and Sunday school, Organising special events for children, Camping, puppetry, Object lessons, Understanding children and the contemporary issues facing them, and much more.

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