Online Messages
Listen to our online messages on parenting and mentoring. I believe that these messages will be a real blessing to you, as you will learn some vital parenting tips. Click on the download message to download them to your preferred device to listen to later or simply listen to them now by using the audio player at the bottom of the page. 

Message Titles
Introduction to Parenting
Development of Faith in Children
Planning the Spiritual Growth of Children
Single Parenting
Purposeful Discipline - Part 1
Purposeful Discipline - Part 2
Self Esteem in Children
Mentoring Young People - Part 1
Mentoring Young People - Part 2
Rev. Chuks Aniereobi
Rev. Chuks Aniereobi
Rev. Chuks Aniereobi
Rev. Chuks Aniereobi
Rev. Chuks Aniereobi
Rev. Chuks Aniereobi
Rev. Chuks Aniereobi
Rev. Chuks Aniereobi
Rev. Chuks Aniereobi
Rev. Chuks Aniereobi
Just click on the next-track button to scroll to the next messages and click on the message time bar to go to any point in the message.

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